Finally starting blogging again, sigh.. Thats just me being . starting up with passion and give up easily. I truly understand how passion is important to my life. but just seldom carry it out and make it last. I have been investigated into myself and getting a new understand of myself, I diagnosis that I have been suffered from procrastinating which hidden in my body and i believe it is quite widespread. Since young I have been behaving in this way like leaving assignments until the last minute and then throw myself into panic, not only in academic side, in workplace same things happened again and again.
Procrastinators like me always find excuses to explain their lack of performace. They have high expectation on themselves yet fear to acheive the high goals. A developmental history known to give rise to such chronic self-doubt is being raised by parents of future procrastinators do not respond to average performance by providing corrective feedback or reacting with disappointment. Instead they say, "You must not have been yourself when you did that because the real you is perfect." Unfortunately when parents do this way to the kid, it would end up with a kid that have exalted opinion of himself that he fears losing. And unless a child knows that the praise is real, he becomes doubly disillusioned . On one hand, he resents being trapped by unrealistic performance expectaions. On the other hand because he comes to suspect his parents' admiration as false, the procrastinator unconsciously distrusts the praise that he receives from others. I believe parents have a great influence on the children until their children have developed independent mindset. That could be part of the answer for myself that why im like this maybe i was just born to be like that. After you have grown up and have your own social network (e.g high school friends, lifegroup friends ) where would bring the second wave of influence.
Just my personllay opinion if you are procrastinator or your friends is:
receiving public acclaim could make the situation worsen if i feel that my lofty status has grown even loftier which could mean that I have to meet a higher expectation from others which increase the feeling of fear of increase the likelihood of failure. Yet they are not simply refuse to do yet they could get interrupted by other assignments or is sidetracked by unexpected issues or crises. These excuse them for not performing and producing inferior work. "If i study in the begining of the semster , i should get 7." "If i was born in UK, i would be playing in EPL." hmm not a good example but i think u get what i means.
I think if you are like me or you wanna help your friends to identify their problems and solve it, in my case, you will make them feel comfortable imagining all the bad things that might happen if she could come in time but not late for hours. By helping a procrastinator relief their anxieties, you can help them understand you can do remarkable things n dont have to be superhero.
Or helping them to lower absurdly high expectation like telling them that you dont have to be prefect when you are sharing or serving in the lifegroup, give them room for mistakes to lower their anxiety about less-ideal performance.
This is just some of my thinkings and my personal experience, I believe that if you wanna work something out and kept failing, there could be a problem which havent been solved and should look deep into it. Procrastinating is a huge problem to me , the motivation are unconscious and shown to be in a deep denial only long-term therapy could really cure i dont want anyone ending up wasting a lot of their life time which could have been done much more things in Christ. Also if you can identified any of your friends havent this "disease", i urge you to invest your time and effort to the "long-term therapy" because it is rewarding to them and to you and to God .
Passion break

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