
Invitation to Come to Jesus (1)

Matt 11:25
That is so sarcastic that Jesus Thanks God to hid the truth from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babies. Yes now i wanna be the baby of Christ rather than a independent, the self sufficient and self-assured that I have been chasing after in secular culture. Such a contrast that God has called us to be and someone we wanna be, He is looking for someone who is dependent in Christ and poor in spirit whereby He will reveal the truth only to them.
It also said that salvation is freely offered to all who will receive it and yet it is only a exclusively good news for the those who have forsaken themselves. Yes i remember what Jesus has said He come for the poor not for the healthy not for the self sufficient. Just so funny ah Jesus Thank you father for hidding the truth.
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I was born this Way (1)

I have just done a test about my personality and found out I'm ..
What does introvert means, just give me a feeling that Im inferior or not confidence or like some kind of disease . So I continue to read, it said introverted does not have to mean shy. Shyness is a form of anxiety characterized by inhibited behaviour. It also implies a fear of social judgement that can be crippling. Shy people actively seek to avoid social situation, even ones they might want to take part in, because they may be inhibited by fear. Introvert shun social situation, they simply want to be alone.

Introverted people arent bothered by social situation, they prefer not to engage while extroverts draw energy from mingling with large groups of people yet introvert people just find it taxing.

In today society, its taxing enough to be a introvert people, keeping quiet is always a disadvantage in this society that feel like the quality of your work has less value that the volume of your voice.

The unstated norm discount the hidden benefit of the introverted temperament like introvert people may be able to fit all their friends in a phone booth, but those relationship tends to be deep and rewarding. introverts are more cautious and deliberate than extroverts, but that means they tend to think things through more thoroughly, which means they can often make smarter decision. Introverts are better at listening - which , after all,  is easier to do if you are not talking - and that in turn make them a business leader, especially if their employees feel empowered to act on their own initiative. And simply by virtue of their ability to sit still n focus, introvert find it easier to spend long period in solitary work which turns out to be the best way to come up with a fresh idea and master a skill.

To be continued

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Amazing Japanese !!

東京不是今次大地震的重災區,但前日仍經歷了非常嚴重的交通癱瘓、通訊失靈,並有建築物天花板塌下,造成多人 死亡。昨日記者抵達東京時,市面已基本回復正常,如果不是車站月台仍打出列車受阻的訊息,不是街上碰到自由行港客憶述前日步行 4小時回酒店的痛苦,不是新宿的百貨公司暫停營業,不是單車仍然缺貨,可能會忘記這裏是剛受史上最嚴重地震打擊的國家的首都。





前日地震後,日本鐵路服務癱瘓,東京的上班族沒有交通工具回家,但沒有打尖爭位或臭罵乘務 員。車站附近咖啡店、餐廳、網吧都塞滿有家歸不得的人。不少人慢慢步行數小時回家,也有人自行想辦法。新宿一家專賣平貨的商店竟然在一個下午售出近 30部每部一萬多日圓的單車,因為很多人即場買單車踏回家,店員昨仍貼出單車沽清的字句,並說這情況前所未見。
設計師藤原濠對記者憶述前晚在千代 田車站候車的情況:「我在車站守候,一直站着、站着,不敢離開,默默靜待地鐵重開的一刻。車站擠滿逾千名乘客,大家耐心地等候。有年輕人見老人家站得累 了,他便讓座給老人,更有在前排等候的少女見到一名 80歲老婆婆坐在地上等候列車重開,她便讓老婆婆排在她的位置。」
藤原濠最後花了 12小時排隊,凌晨 3時才能上車, 1小時後抵達池袋,有便利店本來關了門,但便利店東主叫店員出來派食物及水,又渴又餓的他拿了水,急急喝下,再吞了兩個麪包,然後踏着蹣跚的步伐走回家。
在新宿工作的女子高橋美,昨夜見到一名 50歲婦人在車站突然暈倒,她立即扶她坐在一旁,給她喝點水。過了半小時,婦人終慢慢恢復過來,婦人說:「我要趕回家,我家住長野,是當地合作社的社員,我要趕回去派救助物,我的鄰居在等我呢!」說後,婦人再趕着乘車回家。


不少東京人前晚到店舖搶購食品食水, 但人們仍耐心排隊,秩序良好,便利店曾一度空空如也的貨架,昨日已迅速補充,食物等供應充足。新宿和銀座都有百貨公司昨日暫停營業或提早關門,但職員告訴 記者,只是地震時有些東西跌破,需時整理,強調今日會再為顧客服務。有市民打算駕車離開家園,油站外可見長長車龍輪候入油。







日本網民充份利用互聯網,在 Twitter及其他社交網站不斷更新資訊及防災知識。東京黑幫「住吉會」在 Twitter推文,開放各處事務所作為庇護中心,為災民提供食宿。有日本民眾指出,這些不良分子不只沒有趁火打劫,救援效率可能比政府更高。
除了大型場所如東京體育館及各級校舍為無家可歸者開放入住,商界亦加入救災行列,日本 Gizmodo Japan網站獲悉,大型連鎖電器站 Bigcamera提供免費手機電池。
清 晨 7時,大阪往東京的新幹線剛剛恢復運作,售票處長長的人龍裏,有兩個外國人攀談起來,其中一人用英文跟另一位說:「告訴你,這裏的機場和火車一定很快恢復 過來。日本人就像螞蟻一樣,你沒見過蟻路嗎?即使水淹來,冲散了蟻路,牠們很快又會回來,走出一條新的蟻路來。」

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Sunday Report: spoiled kids (cantonese)

What the parents give the "best" to the kid, it usually not the best for them.

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People Pleaser

People pleaser also another type of the symptoms of time abuser. You and me could easily fit in this group, understanding majority of us want to be helpful to be the one who try no to say"NO" to the people. However, saying "Yes" all the time doesnt make you to be a functional person, resulting in committing too much of time to some unproductive projects and taking more responsibilities out of a fear of confronting authority.

People pleaser develope this problem because of having difficulty interact with authority figures. Probably in their early environment, their feelings were not sufficiently valued. Just imagine Cinderella, who was force to clean house so her stepsister could go to ball, people pleasers are taught to leave their feeling aside for the good of others. Not only could grow up the feeling of being controlled but also evoke the feeling of rage.

When a person go extra mile, its normal for them to ask for recompense or recognition. However people pleasers seem humble and self-effacing, the truth is that like everyone else possibly more than others need public acclaim. If there is not recognition forthcoming, not only will the problem got worse, but they may even attempt to against the authority figure they feel have been controlling them.

For us to help,
As indicated that people pleaser often nurse deep anger. If you come across any cases, you could offer them some assertive training to learn beeter how to set limits and , ultimately how to handle his anger.
Moreover, they routinely accept work beyond the boundaries of their jobs, so if you should direct them back to what they are supposed to do by saying " I need you to be there" .
Finally when we trying to evaluate their work, it shouldnt be judging their performance rather then the type that helps you to determine whether they feels appreciated or not. As we knows, people pleaser engage so much extra work is that they get more recognitionfor doing somebody else's work than they get for doing their own. If you want them not to go to unreasonable lengths for praise, make sure you tell them they are far too valuable to your group.
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Say bye to my "MUM"

All the best when you go back to malaysia to be a professional housewife.
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Oh Happy day !

SOmething can help when u have monday tuesday wednesday thurs .. blue

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